Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Can't find the answer to your question? Email us, get in touch on Discord or send feedback below.

Can't find the answer to your question? Email us, get in touch on Discord or send feedback below.

What is DecentAI, and how does it differ from other AI assistants?

Is DecentAI available on both iOS and Android devices?

What features are included in the free version of DecentAI?

What additional features do I get with DecentAI Pro?

Why do I have to create an account?

How much does the Pro tier subscription cost, and how can I subscribe?

Can I use DecentAI without an internet connection?

How does DecentAI ensure the privacy and security of my data?

Can I delete my conversation history and generated content?

What types of tasks can I use DecentAI for?

Which AI models does DecentAI support?

How do I select a specific AI model to use?

What is Audio Mode, and how do I use it?

Are there any limitations on the number of interactions I can have with DecentAI?

Can I customize DecentAI's behavior or personality?

How can I provide feedback or report issues to the DecentAI team?

How often will DecentAI be updated with new features and enhancements?



We'd love to hear your feedback. Let us know what features or models you'd like to see.

We'd love to hear your feedback. Let us know what features or models you'd like to see.